Thursday, October 4, 2007

I am so behind going to ramble..

SO much has been going on I never seem to find the time to do what I need to like post to all the wonderful people who read my blog .... So thank you to the three of you who read what I write.

I have been crocheting a few different things and as soon as they get released I will have to post pictures so you will have to be patient a bit longer..

I have also been running circles with looking for a new house and trying to keep my kids on task with homeschooling this year.. I have to give credit to my older two they have really took charge and devoted their time in the right places on school this year which is great it leaves me time to get my youngest doing what she should be doing...

I finally got my mom's birthday gift all together so she should be happy.. I hope so at least.. ok onto my next post that will be devoted to the Ville and to pumpkin the wonderful person who is pampering me.

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